八、Farm Stay
Farm Stay跟B&B有一點像,它也是民宿的一種,最大的差異點在於它還讓遊客親自體驗農場裡的生活,例如:與牛、馬、羊、豬、鴨... ...等等動物的接觸,遊客能夠親自餵食這些動物,並瞭解每一個農場的生活習性與工作方式。大部分農場也都提供住宿跟早餐,費用從台幣一千二到四千都有。行程裡我去訪問了位於Cambridge的Werrenshire Farm,除了體驗了整個農場的工作型態之外,還被羊咩咩給侵犯,哈~
以Werrenshire Farm來說,除了住宿之外,農場主人會提供下午茶、晚餐與早餐(日本語所謂的「一泊二食」),還包含農場體驗的活動(約一個半小時),在與他們接觸的過程裡,可以互相交談瞭解整個酪農業的生態,這樣一晚一個房間的房價是NZ$190(約台幣三千八),我個人認為這是很棒的一種住宿選擇。而據旅遊業者的統計資料來看,團體行程的旅客對於Farm Stay的評價是最高的,所以我們在團體行程的規劃裡,可以看到許多農場住宿之旅的安排。如果時間上許可,我強力的推薦大家體驗一下Farm Stay的悠閒生活,附帶一提,我去的Werrenshire Farm所在的位置就像是畫裡的風景一般,雖然當天下大雨,還是讓我回味無窮。
Werrenshire Farm資訊:
Ken & Bev Buchly
38 Benn Rd, RD3
Cambridge, New Zealand
Phone: 0064-7-827-3449
Fax: 0064-7-827-5449
Email: buchly.k.b@xtra.co.nz
The details of a Farmstay are that you arrive at the farm between 3pm & 5pm unless you notify the host otherwise. It is a good idea to contact the host the morning of the visit to let them no of your programme.
We do pickup people from public trasport as it is possible to travel New Zealand using this means rather than driving yourself or being part of a Tour. We deliver them back to the same pickup point in Cambridge.
On arriving at the farm you are served afternoon tea( tea or coffee & something to eat) unless you arrive late. You are then given a farm tour such as that which you experienced.
In the evening you are served a typical New Zealand three course dinner which we share with our guests which enables them to ask questions about life in New Zealand on a one to one basis.
The room prices are $190 per room for dinner ,bed, and breakfast. Each room takes two people with one room a King Room. The other two rooms are either Twin ( two single beds) or can be made into Super King rooms.
There are two bathrooms to be shared for the guests use only.
Farm Stay參考資料:
1.TrueNZ Guide
2.New Zealand Homestay and Farmstay
3.New Zealand Travel planner
4.New Zealand Tourism Online
5.New Zealand Farm Holidays Online
這八種不同類別的住宿選擇,有各自的優點與特色,當然預算上也就會有所差異。其中Lodge跟Farm Stay所帶給遊客的體驗最有特色,但Lodge的費用較高。而B&B、Hotel、Motel最為便利,在價位上則是中等。Backpacker是背包客跟年輕人的最愛,一方面它很便宜,另一方面又有機會認識各國的朋友。Campgroung適合中小團體的旅遊,它的客群大多都是一整個家庭。Apartment適合中長期在同一地方居住,因為它便利的設施就彷彿自己的家一般。