
2008-11-21  -  duncan Email  -  1858  -  浮雲遊子 - 回應(2)

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回應來自: huey from nz [訪問者] Email · http://www.wretch.cc/blog/u8601049
Hi, I saw your article at funP.
I currently live in New Zealand.
I went to Queenstown and Milford sounds this March.
Very nice places.
But I cannot see the pictures!
Nice to meet you!
全文連結全文連結 2008-11-21 @ 08:18
回應來自: duncan [成員] Email · http://duncan.tw
Hi, these are youtube videos, if you cant view them, you might want to try tw.youtube.com/user/hsuanwei
全文連結全文連結 2008-11-23 @ 19:46




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上一篇文章: 胡同北京菜館-[每日一圖]2008.11.21下一篇文章: Milford Sound-[每日一圖]2008.11.25